Pokemon Fire Red Save File .sav

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Ok, here is your requested save file. Pokemon Sapphire SAV file.

Pokemon Fire Red Save File .sav

Pokemon Fire Red Save File

Trainer Name: Leon Gender: Boy Time played: 0:24 Location: Outside Odale Town Pokemon: Mudkip.shiny Charmander.shiny and has pokerus. It will go away eventually Chikorita.shiny???????a mistery pokemon as a present. It's not shiny though. Notes: Your pretty much at the beginning of the game. I've talked to May, but you still have to fight her before you can get your pokedex. I'm pretty sure you won't have the National pokedex, but when you get it, you should notice that the pokemon you have in your party are actually caught. I had torchic at first, but I threw him away, so you will see him in the pokedex when you get it.

PS: Make sure you rename the SAV file to match your ROM's file name, otherwise the game will not load. Leon2457: I’m not sure if it’s possible for every single pokemon to fit into the Pokemon Center’s PC, but I do believe it is possible to fit at least all their basic forms in there. It would take WAY too much time to do that, so I’m not even going to try.

Dark Zero: Here is your requested SAV file. Pokemon Emerald SAV file Trainer Name: Joel Gender: Boy Time played: 0:33 Location: Outside Pokemon Center in Odale Town Pokemon: Torchic-I had to pick a starter Cyndaquil-Shiny Scizor-Shiny Snorlax-Shiny Totodile-Shiny Notes: Since this was the Emerald version, I couldn’t find a Fast egg hatch code for this game.

Pokemon Fire Red Save File .sav

I tried the ruby version of the code, but they wouldn’t hatch. What I did was give you the pokemon you wanted, but they will NOT appear on your pokedex as caught pokemon, But don’t worry, I also left you the eggs in case you where interested in hatching them. Be warned, they will take an extremely long time to hatch, so if you don’t care about them being In your pokedex, don’t even try. Oh, by the way, the eggs cannot be thrown away, so if you want them to go away from the pc, your going to have to hatch them. Anybody want an extra pokemon at the beginning of the game? Let me know what version your playing and I'll help you out.

I'll even give the pokemon custom moves if you like. Just gimme your trainer name and gender, and i'll make you a new sav file toodles. I'd like a Emerald save with a Male character with a name of Exhumed.

Pokemon Save File Download

With ( all shiny) Beldum (lvl 5), Larvitar (lvl 5), Dratini (lvl 5), Chinchou (lvl 5). And please give the following moves; Dratini: Ice Beam Chinchou: Spark or Thunderbolt I would also like 5 or 10 Master Balls. Thanks again.